Monday, May 6, 2013

Well here we are creating a blog, and so out of my comfort zone. I guess this will be a way to share what's on our hearts and also keep everyone updated on the adoption. It will also be something that Ty can look back on later. I know most people think we are crazy because we want to adopt. I can hear it now, "but you already have 3 kids." God planted this seed awhile back deep in our hearts. He has been watering it, adjusting the soil, and bringing on the sunlight. Now that seed has taken root and developing. He has opened our eyes to what he has blessed us with and in a way asks, "So what are you gonna do with it to glorify me?" He has taken the scales off so we can see children who are without (without families, without love, without homes....). Don't we have the love of our Father growing inside of us? It should get bigger everyday. Everyday we should become more like Him, Having His Heart. Things that once seemed a little crazy (and still does to many) seem only natural now. We can share our love, our family, our home and we can allow God to bless us with this sweet child. Because children are a gift from our Lord. So we begin this journey with our Lord. Yeah there will be hard times, but one day we will be able to look back at the struggles and see how God delivered us. We will be able to sing His praises and glorify His name. He is in this. Pray for our little boy as we begin this journey to him. I can't imagine all the feelings and emotions he will face through it all. Pray for God to prepare our hearts for what lies ahead. We got our PA (pre-approval) last week, and our so excited.